Building a Resilient Workforce: A Model for Success
Building a Resilient Workforce: A Model for Success
Sylvia K. Abbeyquaye, Ph.D. MPA RN
Behavioral Objectives:
Upon completion of this program participants will be able to:
- Analyze the turnover issue among nurses in long-term care settings.
- Discuss a proposed community integration model to facilitate resilience and nurse retention. .
- Discuss practical strategies for implementing elements of the community integration model in long-term care facilities.
The elevated nurse turnover rate in long-term care facilities poses a substantial challenge to the quality and accessibility of healthcare services. This situation has worsened due to the impacts of the COVID-19 pandemic, highlighting the urgent need to tackle nurse retention issues within these environments. Our course will delve into the pressing matter of nurse turnover in long-term care, applying a community integration model aimed at bolstering nurse resilience, fostering a sense of belonging, boosting job satisfaction, and ultimately enhancing retention rates and the quality of care.
- Introduction
- Overview of the high nurse turnover rates in long-term care facilities
- High nursing staff turnover in nursing homes is associated with higher mortality.
- Increased number of deficiency citations.
- Increased likelihood of infection control citation.
- nurse turnover in NHs relates to the use of antipsychotic medications.
- High nurse turnover in NHs leads to substantial costs, such as recruitment and training for new nursing staff.
- Exploration of contributing factors to nurse turnover
- Organizational factors
- Individual factors
- Affective Sentiments
- Relationship and Supports
- Importance of community integration in the workplace
- Foster a sense of belonging.
- Enhance organizational citizenship behavior.
- Foster job satisfaction
- Promote staff resilience
- Improve nurse retention.
- Theoretical Framework- Community Integration Model
- Introduction to the model and its components
- Transition Phase
- Fear
- Anxiety
- Anticipation
- Excitement
- Vulnerability
- Adjustment Phase (0-3months)
- Orienting to the new environment
- Building trust
- Becoming self-aware
- “Transition shock”
- Forming perceptions
- Beginning new relationships
- Adjustment supports.
- Welcoming and inclusive Environment
- Effective onboarding and comprehensive Orientation
- Mentorship and Preceptorship
- Effective communication
- Team collaboration and camaraderie
- Emotionally intelligent leadership (Compassion and empathy)
- Supportive Supervision
- Opportunities for emotional support for stressful situations
- Adequate resources
- Fair financial remuneration
- Social Integration Phase (3-6months)
- Strengthening relationships
- Increasing participation in the workplace
- Improved job competence
- Increasing productivity
- Social Integration supports.
- Maintain an Inclusive and safe work environment.
- Shared governance- e.g. Participation in QAPI
- Social events (e.g., staff retreat with stress-relieving activities, etc.)
- Effective leadership
- Effective Communication
- Support for Work-Life Balance
- Recognition and Feedback
- Maintain efficient systems
- Maintain adequate resources
- Cultural competence and diversity training
- Workload management
- Staff development (Continuous education and competencies)
- Transition Phase
- Community Integration Phase (6-12 months)
- Independence
- Role mastery
- Increased productivity
- Community integration supports.
- Career development
- Recognition and appreciation
- Celebration of Milestones
- Continuing education and competency training
- Foster professional autonomy
- Maintain a flexible work schedule.
- Employee perceptions
- Healthy work environment
- Access to employee assistance programs
- Continuing education
- Review Compensation
- Barriers to Integration
- Lack of supports and resources.
- Poor leadership
- Workload
- Financial barriers (Low wages)
- Environmental barriers (organizational barriers)
- Marginalization
- Bullying
- Incivility
- Racism
- A Practical Application of CI Model to a structured orientation program for Long-term care nurses
- General onboarding
- Didactic (7-days)
- Clinical emersion (5-days)- Patient and Task Layered Approach
- Day 1 – Preceptor led
- 10 residents- Assessment and documentation – level 1
- Day 2- Preceptor led
- 10 residents – Level 1 task + medication and treatment administration- level 2
- Day 3- Preceptor led
- 15 residents- level 1 and 2 tasks + communication and family engagement- level 3
- Day 4- Preceptor assist
- 20 residents- level 1,2,3 tasks + safety & quality – level 4
- Day 5 – new hire led/preceptor assist
- Full load assignment- level 1,2,3,4 tasks + continuum of care (acute transfer, discharges, admissions)
- Trained preceptorship
- Recruit preceptors (offer an incentive to precept)*
- Role training and expectation
- Communication and feedback
- Methods of evaluation (Use of standard evaluation tool)
- Documentation
- Provide supportive supervision.
- Continual Mentorship
- Weekly one-on-one check-in sessions
- Weekly goal setting and review
- Self-care
- Relationship building
- Supportive leadership
- Continual education (Monthly)
- Include team-building activities.
- Opportunities for socialization
- Monthly staff meeting
- Foster relationship building (Social Integration)
- Self-care activities
- Interactive discussions
- Problem-solving (Team approach)
- Maintain a healthy work environment.
- Continual education
- (Team building- creating opportunities for engagement and socialization)
- Cultural/ diversity training
- Workload management
- Time management training
- Effective communication
- Managing workplace incivility, bullying, and violence
- Enhance general regulatory compliance.
- Shared governance
- Flexible work schedule
- Communication/suggestion box
- End of program evaluation
- Weekly preceptor evaluation
- Skills competency checklist
- Comprehensive medication test
- 3-months new hire survey
- 3-month end of probation evaluation and feedback
- 6- months’ recognition and celebration of a milestone
- 12-month employee survey (job satisfaction/retention focus)
- Annual evaluation and survey
Turn over review
- Al Zamel, L. G., Lim Abdullah, K., Chan, C. M., & Piaw, C. Y. (2020). Factors Influencing Nurses’ Intention to Leave and Intention to Stay: An Integrative Review. Home Health Care Management & Practice, 32(4), 218–228.
- Çamveren, H., Kocaman, G., & Vatan, F. (2022). The effects of a preceptorship program on newcomer nurses’ turnover intention, commitment and job satisfaction: Quasi-experimental study. Nurse Education in Practice, 63.
- Choi, S., Shin, H., Lee, M., & Han, K. (2023). Relationship between Experience of Client Violence and Turnover Intention among Workers in Long-Term Care Facilities for Older Adults: Focusing on Nurses, Social Workers, and Care Workers. Nursing Reports (Pavia, Italy), 13(1), 549–560.
- Eriksson, E., Jordal, M., Hjelm, K., & Engström, M. (2023). Job satisfaction and wellbeing among migrant care workers in nursing homes: An integrative review. Nursing Open, 10(6), 3486.
- Forde-Johnston, C., & Stoermer, F. (2022). Giving nurses a voice through “listening to staff” conversations to inform nurse retention and reduce turnover. British Journal of Nursing, 31(12), 632-638–638.
- Gandhi, A., Yu, H., & Grabowski, D. C. (2021). High Nursing Staff Turnover In Nursing Homes Offers Important Quality Information. Health Affairs, 3.
- Goyal, R., & Kaur, G. (2023). Determining the Role of Employee Engagement in Nurse Retention along with the Mediation of Organizational Culture. Healthcare (Switzerland), 11(5).
- Henshall, C., Davey, Z., & Jackson, D. (2020). Nursing resilience interventions-A way forward in challenging healthcare territories. Journal of clinical nursing, 29(19-20), 3597–3599.
- Hörberg, A., Rudman, A., Gadolin, C., Skyvell Nilsson, M., & Gustavsson, P. (2023). Experienced Nurses’ Motivation, Intention to Leave, and Reasons for Turnover: A Qualitative Survey Study. Journal of Nursing Management, 2023.
- Keith, A. C., Warshawsky, N., & Talbert, S. (2021). Factors That Influence Millennial Generation Nurses' Intention to Stay: An Integrated Literature Review. The Journal of Nursing Administration, 51(4), 220–226.
- Kennedy, K. A., & Mohr, D. C. (2023). Job Characteristics Associated With Intent to Quit Among Nursing Home Employees and Managers. The Gerontologist, 63(1), 108–119.
- Kishida K. (2022). The Effects of Wages and Training on Intent to Switch or Leave Among Direct Care Workers. Innovation in aging, 6(4), igac035.
- Krein, S. L., Turnwald, M., Anderson, B., & Maust, D. T. (2022). "Sometimes it's not about the money... it's the way you treat people...": A Qualitative Study of Nursing Home Staff Turnover. Journal of the American Medical Directors Association, 23(7), 1178–1184.
- Lee, E., & De Gagne, J. C. (2022). The impact of resilience on turnover among newly graduated nurses: A 1-year follow-up study. Journal of Nursing Management, 30(5), 1295-1302–1302.
- Lee J. (2022). Nursing home nurses' turnover intention: A systematic review. Nursing open, 9(1), 22–29.
- Lerner, N. B., Johantgen, M., Trinkoff, A. M., Storr, C. L., & Han, K. (2014). Are nursing home survey deficiencies higher in facilities with greater staff turnover. Journal of the American Medical Directors Association, 15(2), 102–107.
- Li, Y., & Jones, C. B. (2013). A literature review of nursing turnover costs. Journal of Nursing Management, 21(3), 405-418–418.
- Lim J. (2021). Characteristics of Elderly Care Work That Influence Care Workers' Turnover Intentions. Healthcare (Basel, Switzerland), 9(3), 259.
- Liu, C. C., Liu, L. F., & Chuang, S. S. (2022). The Effect of Ageist Behaviors on Home Care Workers' Job Satisfaction and Retention in Long-Term Care. Journal of Applied Gerontology : the Official Journal of the Southern Gerontological Society, 41(2), 322–331.
- Min, D., Cho, E., Kim, G. S., Lee, K. H., Yoon, J. Y., Kim, H. J., & Choi, M. H. (2022). Factors associated with retention intention of Registered Nurses in Korean nursing homes. International nursing review, 69(4), 459–469.
- Nelson, H. W., Yang, B. K., Carter, M. W., Monahan, E., & Engineer, C. (2021). Nursing Home Administrator's Job Satisfaction, Work Stressors, and Intent to Leave. Journal of Applied Gerontology : the official Journal of the Southern Gerontological Society, 40(1), 67–76.
- Nonehkaran, E. A., Mozaffari, N., Iranpour, S., & Soola, A. H. (2023). Identifying the predictors of turnover intention based on nurse managers' toxic leadership behaviors among nurses in Iran: a cross-sectional correlational study. BMC Health Services Research, 23(1), 1201.
- Peerman C. (2021). The Relationship Between Leadership Styles, Job Satisfaction, and Tenure Among Nursing Home Administrators. Innovation in Aging, 5(Suppl 1), 372–373.
- Pförtner, T. K., Pfaff, H., & Hower, K. I. (2021). Will the demands by the covid-19 pandemic increase the intent to quit the profession of long-term care managers? A repeated cross-sectional study in Germany. Journal of Public Health, 43(3), e431–e434.
- Reinhardt, A. C., León, T. G., & Amatya, A. (2020). Why nurses stay: Analysis of the registered nurse workforce and the relationship to work environments. Applied nursing research : ANR, 55, 151316.
- Sharma, H., & Xu, L. (2022). Association Between Wages and Nursing Staff Turnover in Iowa Nursing Homes. Innovation in aging, 6(4), igac004.
- Sun, C., Xing, Y., Wen, Y., Wan, X., Ding, Y., Cui, Y., Xu, W., Wang, X., Xia, H., Zhang, Q., & Yuan, M. (2023). Association between career adaptability and turnover intention among nursing assistants: the mediating role of psychological capital. BMC nursing, 22(1), 29.
- Van Aerschot, L., Mathew Puthenparambil, J., Kröger, T., & Olakivi, A. (2022). Psychophysical burden and lack of support: Reasons for care workers’ intentions to leave their work in the Nordic countries. International Journal of Social Welfare, 31(3), 333-346–346.
- Wang, J., Liu, S., Qu, X., He, X., Zhang, L., Guo, K., & Zhu, X. (2023). Nurses' Colleague Solidarity and Job Performance: Mediating Effect of Positive Emotion and Turnover Intention. Safety and health at work, 14(3), 309–316.
- Wei Hsu, & Fang-Chu Yang. (2022). Factors Associated with Home Health Aides’ Turnover Intention and Organizational Citizenship Behavior in Long-Term Care Services. Healthcare, 10(1743), 1743.
- Yan, E., Wan, D., To, L., Ng, H. K. L., Lai, D. W. L., Cheng, S. T., Kwok, T., Leung, E. M. F., Lou, V. W. Q., Fong, D., Chaudhury, H., Pillemer, K., & Lachs, M. (2023). Staff Turnover Intention at Long-Term Care Facilities: Implications of Resident Aggression, Burnout, and Fatigue. Journal of the American Medical Directors Association, S1525-8610(23)00879-4. Advance online publication.
References for Structured Program development
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