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Friday, September 13, 2024

Craftsman Black Passive House

About NurseLTC App

The NurseLTC App is a buddy for the long-term care nurse. It guides the long-term care nurse through their workday and helps them stay organized and manage their time effectively. Depending on their role and shift, NurseLTC presents a checklist of daily tasks and allows long-term care nurses to prioritize tasks, set times, and dictate or type pertinent notes for your end of shift report. Above all, NurseLTC has more than 96 built-in step-by-step guides on completing challenging tasks such as admissions, discharges, acute transfers, and more! NurseLTC also has a built-in community to provide support, mentorship, and education/training to new grads and nurses who want to grow in their career as long-term care nurses. The self-explanatory NurseLTC App will guide you through nine different steps, including signing in, planning your workday, identifying your needs for the day, and summarizing your completed tasks. The summary can be previewed and downloaded in PDF format

Sign Up on NurseLTC App

Make NurseLTC App your buddy by signing up and creating a NurseLTC account with an email and a password

Profile on NurseLTC App

STEP 1 Set up your profile. Enter your first and last name, credentials, and role within the facility. This profile allows NurseLTC to assist you efficiently in your work process. NurseLTC gives you a choice to select your work shift and facility’s characteristics such as mealtime, medication administration times, staffing ratio, and nourishment pass-times, so it will provide you with a corresponding daily shift task checklist and notifications to pace your workday.

Let's get started?

STEP 2 NurseLTC allows you to stop and think through your day as you would during assessment in the nursing process. NurseLTC presents you with an uneditable checklist to remind you about the tasks that may be required to complete during your workday

What have you Identified to do today?

STEP 3 NurseLTC guides you through selecting your shift tasks based on the assessment of your workday. You have the option to select or delete tasks to make your workflow more efficient

Create New Task

STEP 4 NurseLTC provides you with the flexibility to create and add a new task to your workday. Input the task description and assign a level of priority to the task

Plan your Workday

STEP 5 Prioritize by rearranging tasks. Organize your daily shift tasks, set alarms to tasks, and take pertinent notes to guide you through your day. NurseLTC will alert you of important tasks to stay ahead of your tasks.

Let's go to WORK

STEP 6 Simply tap on the desired work task, and a reference resource guide will pop up for your convenience. There are more than 96 “how-to” resources available through NurseLTC. Taking on new tasks should no longer be stressful if you make NurseLTC your buddy.

How did we do today?

Every nurse must evaluate their workday and ensure task completion. NurseLTC allows you to do just that. Select tasks completed and generate a summarized report that you can refer to when reporting to the incoming nurse.

Download the app now - make NurseLTC your buddy


Each element can be added and moved around within any page effortlessly. All the features you need are just one click away.

John Doe


Each element can be added and moved around within any page effortlessly. All the features you need are just one click away.

John Doe
